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Latest issues

Closed 1.0.2 1.0.3



Hello again,

- F1 grenades do not trigger the raidblock

- UI is not showing up anymore

- If the sphere and sphere color set to 0, there is still a invisible sphere in that seted range.

Without the sphere limitation maybe add this like it is in the Umod version:

Raid Unblock When

death (default: true)
Determines if death will stop raid blocking behavior

respawn (default: true)
Determines if respawning will stop raid blocking behavior

wakeup (default: false)
Determines if waking up will stop raid blocking behavior


This is how i seted it up before change it to the new version:

Only trigger with explosives for 10 min. Blocks raider and victim. Triggers in 100m range. Raidblock will stay everywhere on map and will not unblock on deat, respawn and wakeup. No sphere

Best regards RC




Hello, ya most of that was bugs & the update kept being delayed cuss facepunch / oxide has been updating every day since thursday so far so sorry about that.


I've updated and added a fair bit of config options / fixes so please give it another go.

Side notes:
1. respawn is the same as clearing it on death ( just added the death & the update i just did adds an option for perma raid block until death )
2. not really sure why wakeup would be needed since players could put them self to sleep & then abuse it..



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3



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