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Frostland Map

Closed 1.0.7

Gatvol No KOS
Gatvol No KOS


Thanks for this brilliant map!
Could you please advise, players still get the RED errors on the left when doing Oilrigs?

Currently V7 loaded

I also noticed that there's no NPC's on Oil or large Excavator? 


Did I miss some steps before loading the Custom Map...


Gatvol No KOS


Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 1096666154/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/deployable/cctvcamera/cctv.static.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 1096666154/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/deployable/cctvcamera/cctv.static.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 1174518703/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/other/rfbroadcaster.static.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 500822506/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/other/alarmsound.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 1096666154/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/deployable/cctvcamera/cctv.static.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 4129440825/1096666154 -> assets/prefabs/io/electric/lights/sirenlightorange.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 2899507223/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/misc/monument/radiation/oil_rig_radiation.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 1096666154/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/deployable/cctvcamera/cctv.static.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)
Prefab IDs don't match! 667569163/4129440825 -> assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/reinforcementslistener.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject)



Hi, I have already moved the towers further into the ocean, perhaps this is already some kind of conflict with the plugin, I cannot reproduce this error on my servers



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