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Stacks not working properly

Closed 2022.9.24.1102




I'm new to Harmony mods, and I can't manage to make this plugin to work properly.

I want to have x3 stacks for everything - what values should I use in the .json config? (attached my current config).

Here is what I've tried without success:

  • I've removed my Oxide-based plugin and loaded this one. Then I change json config value from 1.0 to 3.0 but it stacks (e.g. stone) 1002 instead of expected 3000. Server restart doesn't help, it seems stack values are almost random after each file edit or server restart.
  • Then if I change this value from 1.0 to 9.0 then it stacks something like 3031 which is closer to what I would expect.
  • If I change this from 1.0 to 3000 then it stacks more than 50K items in one stack.

Any help or guidance for this plugin would be appreciated.





Why is the config files in the wrong folder?`



It's not on the wrong folder, it's an Harmony plugin.. independent from any modding framework.



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you didn't help with my initial question though 😄



I didn't noticed another person used this thread for a random thing, my bad. 🙂

Your config seems right, a value of 3 should give 3x the default stack size.

I've downloaded the version published on Codefling, this is the test config I used.

  "Blacklist": [
  "Category": {
    "Ammunition": 1.0,
    "Attire": 1.0,
    "Component": 1.0,
    "Construction": 1.0,
    "Electrical": 1.0,
    "Food": 1.0,
    "Fun": 1.0,
    "Items": 1.0,
    "Medical": 1.0,
    "Misc": 1.0,
    "Resources": 3.0,
    "Tool": 1.0,
    "Traps": 1.0,
    "Weapon": 1.0
  "Item": {
    "explosive.timed": 10.0

This is the result.. all is working fine.

Are you positive you don't have any other plugin messing with the stack sizes ? Those numbers a bit odd.



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Hey @kasvoton thanks for checking and response.

  • Yes, I'm positive that I've unloaded and deleted Oxide plugin responsible for stack sizes.
  • I've tried both - loading the Harmony plugin while the server is running and also tried restarting server to see if that yields the correct results
  • After each config edit it also produces a different outcome for the stack sizes, even if the same values are used...

Maybe there is some RCON command or a method to check if a plugin has been loaded and working properly? 




What plugin do you use for Gather management ?
Those odd numbers could come from the bonuses.

Do a simple test, set the stack size for resources x3, give yourself using rcon 10k stone.
You should see a 10k stack on your inventory.
Now try to drag that stack into another slot, what is the final stack size ?

If you do the same test for explosive.timed, having it set to x10 on the config and giving yourself 1k explosive.timed.
Now try to drag that stack into another slot, what is the final stack size ?




  • I have checked on my local server without loading Oxide at all - stacks work as expected both from gathering and console
  • I've checked with loaded Oxide but without any plugins loaded on server restart - plugin still works.
  • I've tried loading server with Oxide and plugins, but unload all plugins - gives unlimited stack size.

I'm using a different plugin (Loottable instead of StackSizeController) to control stack size now, so probably that gives different outcomes from what was initially reported (with values like 1002, etc.)

So to sum up:

  • Plugin works perfectly without oxide and when server has been restarted after changing config.
  • Works fine if no other oxide plugin has been loaded upon server start that modifies stacks (Unloading doesn't help).
  • Will conflict with other oxide plugins that modify gather rates e.g. SkillTree
  • I've updated my review and plugin rating
  • The ticket can be closed.

Thanks, and sorry that so many people were involved in this, I just wanted timely support feedback.

I think it might benefit you to add info that this plugin might have conflicts with other oxide plugins or heavily modded servers so that there are the right expectations before buying.

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