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Console spam still

Closed 0.1.5 0.1.7


Posted (edited)

I see a previous post about this, but I think this is a different type of error. It throws out a lot of spam, it calms down after a reload but then after a while it starts spamming again. It shows various different hooks in the error, example:

Failed to call internal hook 'CreateBar' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.5' [4161173479] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CreateBar(BasePlayer player, Dictionary parameters) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 328 at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 70
Failed to call internal hook 'OnSendModelState' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.5' [2734162625] (The given key '76561199104022138' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at Dictionary System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at int Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CountStatusBar(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 225
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InitCountBars(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 265
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnSendModelState(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 458
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 222


Edited by JimDeadlock
  • Like 1


Hello, has the error persisted?



It's not quite as bad as it was, but it is still flooding console. Loading the plugin produces this:

Loaded plugin AdvancedStatus v0.1.6 by IIIaKa [88ms]
Checksum validation failed for 'ConsoleNetwork.SendClientCommand' [OnSendCommand [list]]
Failed to call internal hook 'OnSendModelState' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.6' [2734162625] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnSendModelState(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 452
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 222

The plugin functions OK and the console is fine for about an hour, then it starts flooding the console with this:

Failed to call internal hook 'OnSendCommand' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.6' [392836241] (The given key '76561198052883117' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at Dictionary System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnSendCommand(Connection connection, string command, object[] args) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 474
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 214



Posted (edited)

I've also noticed that WipeStatus and AdvancedStatus use a huge amount of hook time compared to other plugins:

AdvancedStatus    IIIaKa    v0.1.6    684647ms    898.1mb    88ms    13h31m   
WipeStatus        IIIaKa    v0.1.2    470941ms    73.3mb    75ms    13h29m

The flooding does not continue all the time, it stops and starts. I have a low pop server and my config is set to show the wipe bar only at monuments and TC range, so I think the spamming occurs only when a player is in TC range and the bar is activated.

Edited by JimDeadlock


Hi! Try please 0.1.7



It's been up for 5 hours and so far so good, no spamming, but it's end of wipe so it's been quiet, wipe day will be busy so I'll let you know if I see any spamming then.

I do notice that the hook times for WipeStatus and AdvancedStatus are still very high, could that cause performance issues?

Thanks for all your help.

  • Like 1


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 0.1.7



v0.1.10 has started spamming again:

Failed to call internal hook 'OnSendModelState' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [2734162625] (The given key '76561198047268613' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.get_Item(ulong key)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnSendModelState(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 548
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 252



Posted (edited)

Hi. Try redownload AdvancedStatus, please.

Edited by IIIaKa

Posted (edited)

It's no longer extreme flooding as before but there is still a fair amount of spam. Wouldn't it be better to simply suppress all warnings? Anyway, I've been running this latest version for about 6 hours and it produces these warnings at the rate of about 100 per hour:

Failed to call internal hook....

OnSendCommand (frequent)

OnPlayerSleepEnded (occasional)

CreateBar (occasional)

OnNpcConversationStart (occasional)

Edited by JimDeadlock


Can you please send rest of error text.


Posted (edited)

"The given key" is not always the same. OnSendCommand is very frequent. OnPlayerSleepEnded and OnNpcConversationStart were in yesterday's logs which I no longer have, I'll add them here if I see them again. I've included some others I've seen today.

Failed to call internal hook 'OnSendCommand' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [392836241] (The given key '76561197970769995' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at Dictionary<string, DateTime> System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, DateTime>>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnSendCommand(Connection connection, string command, object[] args) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 569
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 244
Failed to call internal hook 'CreateBar' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [4161173479] (The given key '76561197993003516' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus+PlayerData>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at int Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CountStatusBar(BasePlayer player)+CountPrivilege(ref <>c__DisplayClass20_0) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 276
   at int Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CountStatusBar(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 233
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InitCountBars(BasePlayer player, bool forceUpdate) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 362
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CreateBar(BasePlayer player, Dictionary<string, object> parameters) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 472
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 70
Failed to call internal hook 'DeleteBar' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [3724855277] (The given key '76561197993003516' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus+PlayerData>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at int Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CountStatusBar(BasePlayer player)+CountPrivilege(ref <>c__DisplayClass20_0) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 276
   at int Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.CountStatusBar(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 233
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InitCountBars(BasePlayer player, bool forceUpdate) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 362
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.DeleteBar(BasePlayer player, string id, string plugin) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 483
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 90
Failed to call internal hook 'InBuildingPrivilege' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [926706840] (The given key '76561199173846844' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus+PlayerData>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at bool Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 502
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 134
Failed to call internal hook 'OnPlayerConnected' on plugin 'WipeStatus v0.1.3' [3704844088] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
   at bool Oxide.Plugins.WipeStatus.InBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/WipeStatus.cs:line 243
   at void Oxide.Plugins.WipeStatus.SendBar(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/WipeStatus.cs:line 210
   at void Oxide.Plugins.WipeStatus.OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/WipeStatus.cs:line 316
   at object Oxide.Plugins.WipeStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in WipeStatus.cs/Internal:line 130
Failed to call internal hook 'OnNpcConversationStart' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [1078050082] (The given key '76561199506834506' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus+PlayerData>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnNpcConversationStart(NPCTalking npcTalking, BasePlayer player, ConversationData conversationData) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 576
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 206
Failed to call internal hook 'OnNpcConversationEnded' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.10' [1428538032] (The given key '76561199506834506' was not present in the dictionary.)
   at PlayerData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ulong, Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus+PlayerData>.get_Item(ulong key)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnNpcConversationEnded(NPCTalking npcTalking, BasePlayer player) in /home/jim/svr/carbon/plugins/AdvancedStatus.cs:line 583
   at object Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in AdvancedStatus.cs/Internal:line 194


Edited by JimDeadlock
  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

As I understood, there is no OnUserApproved hook in the Carbon where these keys are added. Later(today), I will change it to another hook that will be present in both Oxide and Carbon.

Edited by IIIaKa


Try redownload AdvancedStatus, please.



I can confirm that the logs are now totally clean. Thanks for all your hard work with this.

  • Like 1


Thank you very much for the bug report!



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