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NRE spam

Closed 1.3.1


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
at HumanPathFinder.GetBestRoamPoint (AIInformationZone aiZone, UnityEngine.Vector3 anchorPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 currentPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 currentDirection, System.Single clampDistance, System.Single lookupMaxRange) [0x00041] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at HumanPathFinder.GetBestRoamPoint (UnityEngine.Vector3 anchorPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 currentPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 currentDirection, System.Single anchorClampDistance, System.Single lookupMaxRange) [0x0003b] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at ScientistBrain+RoamState.StateEnter (BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) [0x0005f] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIBrain.SwitchToState (BaseAIBrain+BasicAIState newState, System.Int32 stateContainerID) [0x00064] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIBrain.SwitchToState (AIState newState, System.Int32 stateContainerID) [0x00018] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIBrain.EventTriggeredStateChange (System.Int32 newStateContainerID, System.Int32 sourceEventID) [0x00029] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIEvent.TriggerStateChange (IAIEventListener listener, System.Int32 sourceEventID) [0x00007] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x0014f] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIBrain.Think (System.Single delta) [0x00085] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at BaseAIBrain.DoThink () [0x0000d] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0
at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <404213086c2945d2949565b4ef491c1a>:0

This just started for me on this map, so maybe it is somehow a custom map issue (even though it is vanilla airfield)

There doesn't appear to be any issues regarding the AI, it just spams this like crazy. 
Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

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I just have Heavy's selected

Here is the NPC config section I am using

  "NPCs amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 6,
  "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600,
  "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8,
  "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0,
  "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0,
  "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0,
  "NPCs attack range": 75.0,
  "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0,
  "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage",
  "Forcibly immobilize an NPC": false,


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I'm pretty sure it's not my plugin that's causing the problem. Try testing without other plugins, if possible, most likely something is affecting this error. I tested it, everything works fine

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Hey, I was not able to test this without other plugins. Been a hectic week apologies. 

I'm going to assume since I am the only one reporting it and it has only happened on this map (Frostland) that it is a map related issue. 

I can make another report and do further testing if it follows me to a different map this coming Thursday. 
Thanks for your time. 

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With your consent, I will close this request to support. Then you can contact me via PM with any questions

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