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Loot Behavior Change

Closed 2.7.8



Note: Moving this from Discussions.

I'm getting loot in bases that don't match rbe generateloot. it seems.  

After running several of my Medium difficulty bases, I'm finding especially Sulfur (probably other things but that pops out) and Sulfur Ore isn't getting loaded into containers within the base.


rbe generate loot demonstrates that about every other base I should see 3k-5k sulfur, rolled from probably base loot and the 2-3 Sulfur entries I have in my loot table.  But in practice, I'm only seeing a few hundred Sulfur and a few hundred Sulfur Ore whenever I literally raid the bases.

I think the issue comes in with the DivideLoot method that's not a part of the Generate Loot.  

But generally speaking, not sure how to handle the change in behavior or where I'm going wrong.  I'm PMing you my config.

General Loot Design:

I'm trying to generate loot tables where the "min/max" amount of an item is not the sole decider on how loaded a base is.  I was shooting for a mechanism that allows a base to get a % chance to have an item roll a little, a fair amount, or a lot of a specific item.  Instead of just a range of "1-10,000", I was trying to do something like:

80% chance of a little of this item to load into the base.

20% chance of a fair amount of this item to load into the base.

5% chance of a whole lot of this item to load into the base.


It was working in 2.7.4 where those 3 item entries of the same item with varying percentages and amounts were actually cumulative amounts.  So a player could end up with a base that had...

a little of this item.

a fair amount of this item.

a lot of this item.

a little + a fair amount of this item.

a little + a fair amount + a lot of this item, and any other combinations of the 3 amounts (little, fair, a lot).


Now it seems like BaseLoot is causing the DifficultyLoot not to roll or not to get added.  Or that duplicate items are being more honored?  Also seems to be coming from the DivideLoot method as that's not mocked in the GenerateLoot command and the trail of code there does seem to remove items.


I'm using Medium as my general example but this applies to all of my difficulties.



    "Do Not Duplicate Base Loot": false,

    "Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot": false,

    "Do Not Duplicate Default Loot": false,

    "Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items": true

Profile/Medium Bases.json

  "Allow Duplicate Items": false,

  "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 100,

  "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 180,

  "Amount Of Items To Spawn Increased By Item Splits": true,

  "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true,

  "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot": true,

  "Loot Amount Multiplier": 1.0,

  "Always Spawn Base Loot Table": true


Base_Loot/Medium Bases.json:

    "shortname": "sulfur",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 300,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 150,
    "probability": 1.0,
    "stacksize": -1



    "shortname": "sulfur",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 4000,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 1400,
    "probability": 0.75,
    "stacksize": -1
    "shortname": "sulfur",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 4500,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 2200,
    "probability": 0.2,
    "stacksize": -1
    "shortname": "sulfur",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 3500,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 2500,
    "probability": 0.02,
    "stacksize": -1



Actually the better example in the config's I pmed you is that Scrap is behaving the same way.  And Medium Bases, scrap drops in Base Loot and in the Difficulty Loot 100% of the time, with 2 other Scrap entries in the Difficulty loot as well.  The 100% drop chance of scrap in the Difficulty Loot isn't dropping all the time either.  As I often get less than 100 scrap.



this is being discussed in the discussion forum already

closing this

will DM you the same test version I gave the other person



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



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