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No train station

Not a Bug 1.0.7


This map is missing the train station, I put it on my server and it had no train station so I couldn't get armored train to work . I am not experienced enough at prefabs to put in the train station and make sure its all connected. I would like a map that works for the money I paid please.

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It is also doing it on other custom maps, any idea on how I fix this ? Is it a texture issue, and if so how do I fix it ? 

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I loaded your map onto my server without any of my prefabs and it works fine. It happens any time I load a custom map into Rust edit to do prefabs , the train yards disappear. Is there a way to keep that from happening. I have prefabs I would like to use but I am not experienced enough to do the train yard since it has so many moving parts. It happens even just loading a new map into Rust edit before I even edit the map.


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I just needed the new beta of Rust edit, Shemov helped me figure it out. It was not the maps. I was just using an outdated version of Rust edit.


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