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Incompatibility with Carbon

Pending 1.0.2


Hi, I recently purchases the plugin and have found that the UI methods are not working on Carbon:


10/23 11:02:44 | Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.UIInterface (BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) [0x00196] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:454
at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus+<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<InitialiseSpec>b__0 () [0x000cd] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:1049
at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <d61d8fb510bc41db8a593882a1f35f23>:0
10/23 11:02:44 | Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.UIInterface (BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) [0x00196] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:454
at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.StartSpec (BasePlayer player) [0x0001b] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:384
at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<OnMessagePlayer>b__0 () [0x00000] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:371
at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <d61d8fb510bc41db8a593882a1f35f23>:0


Can you please either update to add support, or add another command to exit spectate. Thanks!

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