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Closed 1.0.83 1.0.87



Hey I'm getting these errors hit info error noticed appeared after animal killed sleeping player, others not quite so sure and than ask if possible to remove some feature in the plugin that way works cohenite with build server have set up so far can show list of plugins if possible, since was expecting it to be in a few seperate cs files so thought would be able to use certain aspects and not all example the gtfo feature, and copy base limit and claiming islands be great additions to server the have set up if possible would be amazing.



If so, you can edit it as you want, but always respecting the license.

About the separate .cs files, the first one posted (I don't think it can be downloaded now) were completely separate files for each part of the plugin, but I merged everything into one file after all to avoid problems. (YYou can modify it, but you're still under the other EULA/SLA rules.)

EULA/SLA - License

Now talking about "Errors hit info error noticed appeared after animal killed sleeping" can you please give me the logs or send me the error that appears to you?

Since i can't replicate it right now (im not in my home at the moment), but i can try to fix it and push an update



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Only issue don’t personally code so worries if remove something may cause issues. Really wish would of bought it sooner that would of made it lot easier since still want to use my build server just implement some your great features would be able to message on discord to figure out how to edit? If not understandable just really wish could get both working together As for the error at work at the moment once get home can start server again to replicate it send to you



Feel free to add me on discord: Rediz#6220  | rediz

i can help with you with the plugin but only via chat, i'm so bad speaking english lol



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.87



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