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Not Receiving Code When Ballas Are Killed

Closed 1.1.2



Just added this cool event a few days ago and all my players are saying they never receive the code to the bathroom door when the Ballas are killed. I hopped on the server this morning and ran the event a few times and I didn't see a code either. I saw one of the other support requests mention it's at the top of the screen but I made sure to minimize the hud plugin and anything that could be obscuring it but I still never saw any code displayed. Could you possibly share a screenshot of what I'm supposed to be looking for? I don't doubt it's working but I must not be very observant. lol




OK, I finally figured it out. I had the "use the countdown GUI" set to false along with the GUI announcements and Notify, thinking that Countdown was another optional plugin. I figured with chat being the only notification method enabled, the code would be presented there. I enabled the countdown GUI and I'm seeing the display with the code once the ballas are dead. I'm not sure the use case for disabling the countdown GUI but maybe just take that config out as 1/2 the plugin won't work without it?

  "GUI setting": {

    "Do you use the countdown GUI? [true/false]": true,

    "OffsetMin Y": "-56"


Just in case anyone else struggling with the code runs across this, here's what is supposed to be visible with the countdown GUI setting enabled.




Hi, I didn't think that someone would want to disable the GUI, because it displays a lot of information about the event process. What options for getting the code would you like to receive?



Well done on finding that by the way you found it pretty quick after posting @AdamL it might be worth looking at some of the events again to think of scenarios like this where someone might not want the UI but wants to receive the information somewhere else. Just to confirm you were only looking for the information and you're happy to have the UI enabled now that you know it comes as part of the plugin correct?

I think they were only thinking Countdown was separate was another plugin so once they confirm or deny I think they are happy having it enabled. But it would be a good idea for us to consider scenarios and maybe make an option for customers who want to disable the UI so they get any important information. I can only think of door codes but maybe if the UI is disabled the person who kills the last scientist is given a note with the code? Just a thought, maybe the note can be forced as one loot option for those scientists? If I should add any of this to our notes let me know or you can add them.



If the GUI shouldn't be disabled, there shouldn't be an option to disable it...

That said, the code at least could be printed to chat similarly to the message that gets printed when you kill all the attackers (the one that tells you the basement is unlocked).



@Trenyc create a separate support request if you have one.

Nobody said the GUI shouldn't be disabled. It was simply an oversight that adding that function to these two plugins, removes the visual for getting the code. It's already in our suggestions for things to address in future updates.

Some people literally don't know what it is and I don't know many reasons not to use the GUI. The feature was added, it will be updated, and more ideas will come about. We cannot think of every possible outcome but we fix and update things as we go.



Hello everyone, have you already seen the new update "Gas Station Event 1.1.5"? @KpucTaJl added for you @AdamL what was discussed in this ticket: "- Added an option in the plugin configuration that can disable the need to enter a password, the door will open on its own when all the NPCs from the second car are killed"!😉 

I also recommend that you view the full list of updates in the Updates tab. Thank you))



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