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Question: Memory Consumption during Base Spawns

Closed 2.7.4


Posted (edited)

So i've been having crashes with Raidable Bases and CopyPaste being the only plugins installed. 

In part, I think Rust it self has a memory leak and there's a slow up tick in memory consumption on server.  On average I see memory tick up about 0.15 gigs of memory per hour.


What I'm looking to find out is, have you seen memory consumption spike as much as 900mb to 1GB during the base spawning and loading process?  Even for a second?  


The situation is, I'm on Game Server Kings.  I've got 9gb of memory allocated to my Rust Server.  I've watched the memory consumption go from a fresh restart using 7.5gb of memory and raise up to 8.05gb of memory.  Game Server Kings does a ram reboot (seen in their "Show Server Resources" Game Service) when memory exceeds the 9gb mark.  I don't really know if I believe they allow full use of that 9GB.  However I do suspect that the in memory tasks used by Rust, Oxide, and Raidable Bases probably cause a notable memory increase during the spawn process.  And I was wondering if you could comment on that.

I'm basically trying to see if, for just Raidable Bases, what the max "good" threshold would be.  I suspect it's going to largely depend on base sizes if there is an increase in memory consumption during base spawns.  Along with # of NPC's spawning.  I simply can't pull up Task Manager or Performance Monitor on this server myself to find out.  😕

Thanks as always for all of your help!

Edited by Jackelmyer


I know i've been a busy guy on here which impacts you as well.  Just FYI.  I think Game Server Kings does funny stuff with their servers.  So I've moved to a different recommended provider to give that a whirl and boosted my servers available memory.  We'll see how it all goes.  Hopefully it kills off the server crashes all together.


Posted (edited)

ya...spiking your memory when you have 8gb is going to crash it. that's too little memory for a Rust server. I don't know why 8gb is an option.

I have seen spikes which started a few months back with a Rust update when an entity spawns, from plugin or by the game

I can reply more later I have an appointment

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

let me know if you need help finding another server/host. I absolutely would not upgrade that machine with more memory after your prior issues

either way, you need more than 8gb for a Rust server. once your entity count goes up your server will have serious performance issues and eventually crash, as you have seen. it will happen whether CopyPaste spawns bases or players build them. anything less than 16gb is too risky. if you can afford 32gb or higher it is your best bet

Edited by nivex


Sorry for the slow response.  I moved over to Ice Host, later found out it's still run by Game Server Kings.  But the server config options are better so there's that.  If you have other recommendations I'm game.

I've setup the server to run with 12gb of memory, and with only me on it's stabilized.  I suspect I'm going to have to go to their max memory option of 16gb.  And if that doesn't hold, then i don't know what.  Not sure I want to put out that much more cash for a server monthly.  who knows.  Stupid Rust memory leak.  If not for that, then it probably could run on 10-12gb of RAM.  


While using the 12gb of RAM, I'm going through editing all of the Raid Tier 3 bases and tweaking them.  I spawned each of them on the map and the server memory held well at under 10gb RAM usage while also having Raidable Bases spawn the 18 max bases I have configured.  


Now, add a user base.... and I suspect we're going to have problems not being at 16gb of RAM.  For now though, cheap option to just get the server built. lol.

If you eyeball the RAM requirements to be 16gb-32gb of RAM, could you put that as a recommendation in the documentation?  That would probably have saved me 2 days of troubleshooting.  🙂 


Posted (edited)

Icedhost has performed exceptional on my test server. 12gb still isn't enough, but will hold you over until you get a player base.

I can add the RAM requirement but that requirement isn't specific to this plugin, but Rust in general shouldn't be under 16gb. the performance hit and potential crash issues are too risky. 16gb won't be completely stable for a player base over 20 either. that's when you'd move to 32gb or higher. server donations would help cover costs at that point


Edited by nivex
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