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Event issues

Can't Reproduce 1.1.5



Hi Canhu!


Loving your plugins, thank you!


I am having an issue with this particular plugin, I have edited all the files, I have reloaded and unloaded the plugin.  It doesn't change how often the event is happening.


I have now tried to fully unload it, until I can get it working and I am still having events spam every 20 minutes.




Posted (edited)

Hello, HeliCrashEvent looks at the Minimum and Maximum time config values for time between events. They are labeled as "Minimum time between events(minutes):" & "Maximum time between events(minutes):". By default it's set to 60 and 180 which is between 1 and 2 hours. You can try deleting the config file and reloading the plugin to reset it back to defaults in case there's a problem with your config.


Please also try restarting your server if you haven't in some time. There was an issue in the past were a coroutine wasn't being unregistered properly when the plugin was unloaded. As a result, it would actually cause the event to still try to run after the plugin is unloaded. If you reloaded the plugin, it would create a duplicate coroutine which resulted in the event starting more often than it should. Based on you describing it still trying to run after unloading, it sounds like this is what's going on. This is fixed in the current version but does require a server restart to remove the duplicate coroutine that's running.

Edited by Cahnu


Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce



i am having the same issue but  it spams  every 5 mins and the config file is still on default and i have restarted server etc only purchased about 12 hours ago 



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