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Wooden Bow getting converted to Compound Bow and Weird Loot

Closed 2.7.4


Posted (edited)

Below is my the Profile Config for the Easy Bases I'm working on.  Was testing a few options.  Specifically...

    "Despawn Inventory On Death": false,
    "Spawn Loadout In Corpses Inventory": false,


The loot that dropped from this guy (note the bow and ammo is my inventory) is adding weird stuff.  Some of what I stated.  But most of this isn't even in my Murderers (Items) list.  See the "odd npc loot drop.png" file.  The first image showing a double barreled shotgun.  Darline's loot in the image.


When I switch the "Spawn Loadout in Corpses Inventory" to true, shown below, I'm seeing the Compound Bow show up in their loot and not the wooden bow.  It also looks like Wooden Bow is getting replaced with Compound Bow both in the weapons the NPC is using when fighting (I see the Compound Bow in their hands when shooting at me).  Found code that is doing a swap on the Wooden Bow to Compound bow in the CS file that might be causing that.  See the attached image "Loot When Spawn Loadout In Corpses Inventory is TRUE.png".  Kyra's loot in the image.  Which includes HE Grenades and Rifle ammo.  Neither are in my loot table for that profile. 

The method in the CS file is called "AddItemAmountSkinned" that seems to swap the bow.

    "Spawn Loadout In Corpses Inventory": true,


Easy Bases.json (full file with Spawn Loading In Corpse Inventory set to true) attached as well.


odd npc loot drop.PNG

Loot When Spawn Loadout In Corpses Inventory is TRUE.PNG

Easy Bases.json

Edited by Jackelmyer
pointing out images more clearly, added code reference regarding bow issue


hunting bows don't work for npcs 😛 it's exchanged with the compound bow since that does work.

those other items are what the game adds to the npcs when they die. Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot can change what those items are if you enable it.



I have Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot disabled and I also tried emptying the entire list that was included in there.  Is there any way to just diable what the game adds to NPC's when they die?  Alternatively I'm guessing I need to enable Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot and choose something that works for the NPC's I'm configuring?


"Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot": {
      "Prefab ID List": [
      "Enabled": false


Posted (edited)

it's disabled by default. you can't disable the npc loot spawn slots. yes, you can only change what it drops


Edited by nivex


Sorry, I'm not following.

Rifle ammo isn't in my loot table...

But It's still dropping as port of the loot on NPC's.  That ammo that's showing up on the NPC corpse or dropped backpack is coming from Rust automatically putting it into the NPC's loot table basically. 


When you say "yes, you can only change what it drops", does that mean I can only add to what Rust defines as the loot table for an NPC?  so when we update the "Murderer Items Dropped On Death" section of a Profile, we're really only appending items to what Rust adds?

So there's no way to prevent Rifle Ammo from dropping on an NPC?




yes, my npcs drop heavy scientist loot by default because they are heavy scientists. that can include rifle ammo so it wouldn't matter if it's in the Items Dropped On Death.

this is why Prefab ID List exists so you can specify loot spawns that have different items that may not include rifle ammo, such as roam or roamtethered

yes, you can only change what the game drops and add to it with Items Dropped On Death.

why, is this a problem?


Posted (edited)

I'm trying to setup a Raid Base system where Raid Bases are progressive.  With, what, 5 difficulty levels, I wanted Easy to only go up to Pistol ammo on base loot and NPC loot.  And I didn't want to drop explo on the NPC's.  

LIke... In a standard true Rust game, if you blow into easy bases, the player likely isn't carrying explo and "might" have some in base.  But even then, likely only up to Satchels.  So kind of trying to replicate roughly the same scenarios. 

But overall, I want to be specific with how the Raid Bases and NPC's drop loot.  Random stuff popping up in the loot inventory of a dead npc is causing me to go round and round on troubleshooting and research. 

I'm still not sure how I could prevent Rifle Ammo from dropping...  


Edited by Jackelmyer


I suggest trying roam or roamtethered. I know one of those 12 in that list has some basic loot and I think its one of these

otherwise I did add a new option for you in the next update, Disable All Prefab Loot Spawns



Will do.  I've removed Raidable Bases at the moment because server kept crashing.  Was crashing every 45ish minutes or less.  Unfortunately none of the logs track the same detail as watching the console.  I'm about to add back in only Raidable bases and watch it for a while.  I'm stuck on this server crash thing before I can get any further.



I'd never hear the end of it if it were crashing servers=p

Harmony mods are the first thing I unload.

I wouldn't add anything back in until you're sure the crashing stopped.

if server is stalling (stalling is not crashing - just hangs up and doesn't respond) then disable AI on the server (ai.think)


Posted (edited)

No, the server full restarts with crash errors.  I pulled out Raidable Bases and it was fine.  Now I've pulled out everything except CopyPaste and Raidable bases and seeing if the crashing comes back.  Also did a full wipe before going back to just Raidable Bases and CopyPaste.  We'll see.

Edited by Jackelmyer


it's not going to be causing crashes without others experiencing the same issue.



Finding it may be a memory issue and an excessive entity issue.  Which would potentially come about by all the turrets and npc's the mod is creating on top of what's coming into the game already.  

If possible, including an entity count on server would be a great help in diagnosing things like this.  

[RaidableBases] Easy2x2v1 @ I21 : 211 items

[RaidableBases] Easy2x2v1 @ I21 : 211 items - 86,435 total entities


Still trying to figure it out.  Stupid hosting provider isn't the most helpful.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



I'm still not able to get rid of the Rifle Ammo and I'm not sure the Spawn Alternate Default Scientists Loot is working as expected.  That or it's not applying to Murderers.


"Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot": {
      "Prefab ID List": [
      "Enabled": true


I've tried

roam, roamtethered.

I've tried enabled: true, enabled: false.


Murderers still drop unexpected loot, best example is Rifle.Ammo.  I know you're working on a different option/config for that, but though it may be worth double checking that it's working as intended.



Items for scientistnpc_arena: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_cargo: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_ch47_gunner: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_excavator: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_full_any: smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_full_lr300: smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_full_mp5: smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_full_pistol: smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_full_shotgun: smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smg.mp5, ammo.pistol, riflebody, smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_heavy: flamethrower, lowgradefuel, grenade.f1, shotgun.double, ammo.shotgun, syringe.medical, bandage, multiplegrenadelauncher, ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot, ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke, ammo.grenadelauncher.he
Items for scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol: smgbody, weapon.mod.flashlight, techparts, grenade.f1, hazmatsuit, ammo.shotgun.fire, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green, flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_oilrig: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_patrol: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_peacekeeper: flare, pickaxe, syringe.medical, scrap, semibody, keycard_green
Items for scientistnpc_roam: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage
Items for scientistnpc_roamtethered: hazmatsuit, supply.signal, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, ammo.pistol, ammo.rifle, syringe.medical, bandage

here's a complete list of all the items that each of those options drops. peacekeeper would have the least amount of items

so it does appear to be working correctly for both scientist and murderer

you can add npc.LootSpawnSlots = new LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[0]; on line 10080 to override everything so nothing drops. your file might have a different line number if you modified it before. the code should look like this




So I did that...  And all that drops on the NPC's is Rifle.Ammo now.  X-D  dang it.  lol.  Also, it wipes out everything else I'm shooting to have dropped on NPC death so that isn't really the right way to go for this. 


Any other ideas?  😄 



ya, enable it 😛

Ill respond in the other thread from now on. this one is closed



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