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Guide to use perms like rewards and timed rewards

Pending 1.3.1

Ill try to explain my self,  i want to make possible, to give perms rewards like kits or VIPS, i was searching and i think is possible with this plugin, but i dont find a guide or something like that, if someone can reach me that info, and second i want to know if you can give to the invited player some task to complete before getting him any reward, because they maybe only invite people redeem the code and then left, and my goal is people give time to get engage to the server and know all  the stuff we have, and for that they need to play, not only redeem and leave. again i dont know if this is already there or not, that why i need your help, and reach some kind of guide or tuto. thanks for reading, and sorry if i have write errors, english is not my main. thanks again!

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Yes, of course. It is necessary to set the awards "Type": "Command" in the settings and issue them through the command that issues temporary permission. For example: "Type": "Command", ""Command (%steam id%)": "addgroup %steamid% vip 7d",

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Thanks for answer me, and what about give some conditions for people who invite and invited, like playing at least 4 hours, or farm 1200 wood, before they win his rewards, this for prevent some issues

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