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NPC's Breaking Mod

Closed 2.7.4



Posted (edited)

Found it!  Here you go.  See the image.  Added that, crashed my server.  Restarted server.  Error is back.

Removing the kit with the /kit delete murderer_kit_1 command and restarting the server cleared up the error.


Edited by Jackelmyer

Posted (edited)

rip lol

I've been fixing issues with skins then I can look at it some more

edit: ok, tried it and reproduced. now to see why 😛


Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

This is what I get for changing more than one thing at a time.  Lol

I just don't trust o.reload so I restart to fully vet my plugin changes.  Takes forever to test things lol. 


If you're not planning on using those Kit entries, it may be worth updating documentation to help anyone who might mess with the same.  


If you don't mind, I'd like to submit some documentation updates to you, lessons learned here, your more detailed descriptions for things, stuff like that.  So you can just copy paste the changes.

Edited by Jackelmyer


I'm not sure that the name of the kit has any relevance yet. I think it's the fact that it's a bow

so let me figure this out then you can revise any changes, if need be, before sending them to me


Posted (edited)

Gotcha.  No worries.


Also, I found some dude is actively working on an NPC spawner plugin.  It's an API for other plugins to use.  Might be worth looking into to save you some headache.


Think it was this one



Edited by Jackelmyer


Omg.  I've had my head in the weeds of trying to figure out that problem.   So do kits made by the Kits mod work in place of those kit place holders?


That'd be kinda cool to change out kits of NPCs on the fly with editing kits.  😁



hi, so the issue is that the copypaste file you put in for that kit does not exist, or there is an issue with it if it does. this explains why the npc is naked, and why you get those errors. if you use /kit murderer_kit_1 then it should tell you "File does not exist" in the game chat

I'll try to figure a workaround if this happens in order to prevent the plugin from breaking

yes, you can use any number of kits to have them randomly equipped with those kits. just make sure they work with /kit before trying 🙂


Posted (edited)

ok, found another issue with that kit.

Kits which have copypaste files are for players only. using them on an npc, or using a copypaste filename that doesn't exist, will both result in the same navmesh error 😛

this is because the Kits plugin is pasting using the steamid of the player (or npc in this case) and if it's not found (and it won't be) then it fails


Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)


the invalid kit breaks the plugin and causes all of these issues because the npc is never fully initialized as it wasn't given a weapon. I am going to force initialization anyway. the npc will be naked and worthless but at least no errors, and the only reason it would be naked is if the kit is invalid. I print this info in the servers console so users will understand why the npc is naked. win-win

line 10213: remove brain.Init(); and replace with brain.IdentifyWeapon();

line 10132: add brain.Init();

Edited by nivex



new message =p




Having a hard time following that.  When you say "Copypaste file" i'm thinking of the Copypaste plugin that loads bases.  Or is a "CopyPaste file" some common term with Rust plugin development? 

But then I think you may be meaning the "file name" field in the screen shot.  I thought the file did get created by the Kits plugin when I specify a file name.  Is that right?

Little confused.


Regarding the new message, just some feedback.  That looks more like a message for a developer as opposed to an admin of a Rust server.  If that error is being generated in the process of creating the NPC or is tied to NPC generation (including instantiating kits), it may be a good idea to include on the error line "NPC Creation Error".  Otherwise, I'm going to start looking at my actual players and their data/config to see why I have an error with my players.  And the copypaste comment makes me look to the CopyPaste plugin for Copying bases and Pasting bases.  I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to direct an Admin/User to.



One other thing...


Something kept that Kit I made with the Kits plugin (screen shot above) get stuck somewhere after I used the chat command /kit delete murderer_kit_1.  Or whatever I noted the kit name above in a prior post.

I think...  Woke up this morning to the server constantly having an EAC shutdown event and restarting the server over and over until it just stopped.   Updated Steam, Updated Oxide.  Still didn't fix it.  Use my hosting providers Wipe tool to wipe the Map, Saves, Player Data, and BP's.  At the moment it seems like the server is staying up and stable.  Not sure what got stuck in everything.  The log files don't seem to capture half of the detail that's put out in the Web Console.  Weird.  I'm just letting the server sit with the plugins loaded and run for a bit to see if the EAC error stops now.  But it was a weird extra thing I thought worth noting.



Ok.  Disregard the CopyPaste question.  I JUST realized that Rust Kits by k1lly0u has a funky CopyPaste hook that... Honestly I have no idea why it's in the Kits plugin.  That is so weird.  It's weird.


I'm trying to create a new murderer_kit_1 without the CopyPaste file name in the Kits Mod.   Sorry for the confusion.  Too much all at once for a first time Rust Server setup.  


Posted (edited)

So yeah.  It's using the field "Copy Past Support", file name at all, with the Rust Kits plugin.  That breaks it.  I don't even understand that feature in Rust Kits...  I mean I do, but... whatever. lol.  I was able to create a murderer_kit_1 kit, and see it show up on spawned Raidable Bases.  That was pretty cool.  Then I thought back to how you talked about the Items configuration for NPC's randomizes their gear.  Probably going to stick with that. lol.  Cause that's awesome.


So... Um...  On the error?  Maybe to keep some of what you have but to also point specifically to the potential type of plugin and known issue?

"[RaidableBases} Invalid kit murderer_kit_1 for inger: Couldn't find the player (If making kits with a Kits plugin, this is a known error when using a Kits plugin and the Copy Paste Support for an NPC Kit, leave File Name of Kit empty/blank.)"


But if what you have will at least direct you back to what an Admin should do, then it works too. 😄


I think we beat this issue to death and found the specific issue, i.e., Don't use the File Name field when creating Kits with the Rust Kits plugin under the Copy Paste Support section of the Kits kit editor.  


Thanks again for all of your help!  That was bananas.  lol

Edited by Jackelmyer


Don't use the File Name field when creating Kits with the Rust Kits plugin under the Copy Paste Support section of the Kits kit editor.  

ya that's what I meant to say, and what the error means, when stating "copypaste file" it was in reference to that field in the kit. I will change the message, but people will be confused and ask about it regardless since they won't understand the copypaste field can't be used for npcs

yes, I imagine this issue has borked a lot servers 😛 that's why I felt it so important to create a workaround for it. I'm not causing the issue, but I can at least prevent it from occuring. I took it a step further and when this happens the npc will be given items to wear regardless. I'd rather people ask "why does my npc have pink tutus on when I gave him the stompatron kit?"

the field for copypaste files in Kits works for players only - so that you can assign kits to VIP groups which players can earn / buy. some of those kits can paste a base when they redeem that kit. it's pretty neat, but it should be checking if the userID belongs to a player before trying to paste the base, since it will always fail otherwise





I think that's a great thing to implement a work around for.  Keeping your stuff running even if something else borks it. 😄


Eh I'm looking to do purchasable raids too so maybe that'll be a thing.  But I thought the main way to do that was via a command.  Hm.  Maybe that is a cooler way to do it. 😄 



ah, well it's not something you'd use with this plugin 😛

the main way is via the /buyraid command yes

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