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Issue loading Kits on bots

Pending 1.2.2



All of my bots are saying something like:
[BotReSpawn] A bot at Substation_Large_2 8 has no weapon. Check your kit npc.electrician2 for a valid bullet or melee weapon.

but i can take any of the kits myself and all items are given to me correctly without issue. 


Posted (edited)

Looks like its due to Carbon, It doesn't read your "CheckKits" function correctly and passes the valid weapons as false. If i just swap it out so it always triggers true (Cause i know the kits are valid) it gives the kits to the NPCs without issue.

I take that back, I was seeing another plugin load similar kits, all NPCs coming in Naked saying Kits have no valid Weapon/Ammo, even though they do. This works in Oxide (But i carbon is just much quicker)

Edited by scarecr0w12


After more testing, Kits from UMOD (free version) loads kits in BotReSpawn, but the Kits from CF (|Paid version from Mevent) does not spawn kits correctly in BotReSpawn. However, no issues when using Oxide, only occurs using Carbon.


Posted (edited)

Looks like this is caused by the Kits Plugin specifically from CF (Mevent's Plugin). IT for some reason is not assigning weapons ItemID's properly in Carbon


Edited by scarecr0w12
  • Administrator


Sounds like this is one for @Raul-Sorin Sorban
As far as I know Mevent maintains his Kits such that it's API compatible with uMod free Kits,
and BotReSpawn gets tested with the latter.

If BotReSpawn's API calls to Mevent's Kits work fine in oxide they should work under Carbon too.



Yeah, unfortunately it's not. Tested thoroughly with the 2 Kits plugins and between Botrespawn and BetterNPC, both do not load kits from Mevent's kits plugin saying no weapon, but work perfectly fine with the UMOD kits plugin, when using carbon. Works perfectly fine when using Oxide. Mevent is currently working with me in Disc to sort it from his end. 

  • Administrator


Oh, OK. It's something for Mevent to look at then, assuming they want to maintain API compatibility with the free Kits plugin.
Sorry for the ping, Raul. Misunderstanding. 👍


Posted (edited)

I'd have to think that carbon would still play a part, since it is supposed to be backwards compatible with Oxide. I put in a Bug-report for it too in Carbons Disc

Edited by scarecr0w12


Looks like he was able to get Kits to load! just sorting out a weird error that occurs for Kits when i open Botrespawns UI lol

  • Administrator


If everything works under oxide but not under Carbon then that's most likely something Carbon devs would want to know about.
It's meant to be 100% compatible, I believe, so something like that seems pretty clear cut.

My understanding is that free Kits and Mevent Kits both work fine with BotReSpawn under oxide, although I only test and guarantee compatibility with the free one.



Yeah no worries, Mevent was able to get it working, though another error popped up when opening the BotReSpawn UI in game, but error is for Kits, but doesn't seem to break things.



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