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Movement inside prefab

Closed 2.1.0


Hello I have a prefab that has terrain modifiers and placed into the air. My boss spawns and attacks but doesn't move from the spawn location. Any way to allow movement or create a path the boss can follow back and forth?

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Try adjusting their spawn location a bit. What is the prefab built out of? If you can show any screenshots of the setup and such it might help us understand what's keeping them from moving around. They should automatically roam if you have a roam range set for them to do so, and they have something they are able to walk on.

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I also have a area inside of here that you can build a base in but they cannot move in there either. Rust edit contains all of the triggers for the prefab as well.




Edited by Sjd6795
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What options do you have for the bosses movement type? You can share their config if you are not sure what I mean and I'll point them out.

If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord you can create a ticket there and send it there. Either place is fine though, Discord tickets are just more private.

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UPDATE Working out in ticket on MM Discord. If any issues are found update to the site will be issued. Seems to potentially be something we can sort out within the prefabs and builds though.

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