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Performance issues!

Closed 2.3 1.1.1





It looks like the plugin is causing a huge performance issue.

Whenever the plugin gets loaded after around 2hours the server goes into "slow motion". It feels like we just have 5fps. Everything is slow motion and you can't really play anymore. If we unload the plugin then everything runs instantly smooth like before.


We tested this multiple times. Every 2-3hours is this happening and it's only getting back to work normally when we unload the plugin.





Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Sorry for late response. I am working on the issue and figuring a better way to show hud




@MaLai Hey, Sorry but we couldn't recreate the issue with VehicleHud 2.3
I tested this in few of my clients active server and it was there more than a day, didnt faced any issues, like lags or servers slows down etc. 
Also its just a simple EngineStart on hook and only counts when they start riding on it!
Can you provide more info on this. or join Discord and explain the situation



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce


Posted (edited)

Hmm I don't know if I should write this because we payed for a plugin that not only us brings a huge performance issue on our server.

But since not every server have his own developer I will write the solution for the problem. For the future: ask other developer if they can help you. It's not our job to find the solution for a issue like this. It's your job to find the problem because you get payed for the plugin. This is what our developer said about the plugin:


The plugin is wrote from a newbie. To many mistakes and things a experience dev never would do.

The plugin starts on each engine start a timer. The problem its only checking if a player already have a timer. It's not checking or deleting the timer when a player left the vehicle. So the timer will still run all the time. If a player rides another vehicle another timer will be started and so on. We have around 130 different players per day. If every player runs two vehicles then there are 260 timers running...the whole time! Until the server can't handle any more timers and break up.

The solution is: make also a routine if a player left the vehicle that the plugin stops and deleting the timer.

Also the plugin is bigger than most other plugins. You just copied each function for every vehicle instead of making it with just one variable. This would make the plugin much smaller and you would save over 1000 lines.

The plugin runs after one hour already with a 400sec hook time.


Hopefully you will this fast.

Edited by MaLai


Sorry I understand it wrong. Its creating always a new timer instead of using the exist one. So starting a car 10x times creates 10 timers without deleting the old ones. And yes old timers will still runs until the plugin gets unloaded.



Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Work in Progress



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1



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