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Grid is loading error

Closed 2.7.3


Hi, i just bought your amazing plugin, but i can't seem to be able to make it work

I added the prices for the bases (with the economics plugin) since it was firstly asking me to add them in order for players to buy bases, but now the bases won't spawn and players can't buy them, and in chat it always says "grid is loading, wait for it to finish" but it's been an hour or more

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Ok idk how but it seems that players now can buy raid bases, but i've seen that the loot inside is the same for all difficulties, and it's taking that from default_loot.json, right? The .json in Base-Loot folder and DifficultyLoot folder are empty, can you advice me on how to fill those ,json files with the desired loot please?

EDIT: after trying to modify the config, in order to set max maintained events to 10 and to always maintain max events, now it says again grid is loading, how long does it take usually? Could it be because of other plugins? The only one i've added after your plugin is "BetterNPC" 

Edited by sirio
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the grid takes 1-5 minutes to load. it will not start if your server fps is below 15. no one can buy until its finished loading

attach your oxide log and I can look at the loot issue


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Sry to answer so late, i have managed to fix it, and to config the loot for the difficulties

Awesome mod, ty for all your work!


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