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Bradley reward not working

Closed 1.1.5 1.1.7


The rewards from bradley is like a 15% chance of getting. 

have allot of reports from my server that some players dont get rewards for taking down the bradley and a few other managed to get it.

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Hi, there is no chance of getting rewards. It gives it or not depending on your config. Please can you post your config file here for me to check before going any further. Thanks.

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Thank you, when your players say they don't receive a reward, is it because they have not done enough damage?

You have your config set up with this option:


"Share Reward Between Players Above Damage Threshold": true,

And you have the damage threshold set as this:


"Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 2000.0,

Therefore, only players who do at least 2000 HP damage will get a share of the reward.

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nope didnt work. tryed it with 

"Share Reward Between Players Above Damage Threshold": false, set to false



"Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 2000.0, sett to 1

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You need to tell me more what is happening. How many are taking the Bradley, Who is calling it in?Also, you have set "Share Reward" to false, so only the person who called in the Bradley drop will get the reward, nobody else will.

Nobody else is reporting such an issue, I’ve tested it again and it’s working fine 100% of the time. 

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I loaded it up on my test server with your config and it works fine. So your config is good, so if you are really getting this issue then another plugin must be causing it, although im confused as to how, because my plugin handles dishing out the rewards.

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