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No Code on caption

Closed 1.2.1 1.2.2


I experienced the same issue.  Killed Captain as the last NPC on boat, but no note spawned.


I am NOT using any loot plugins

Edited by kmgaijin
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This worked previously, but it has been a while since anyone completed the event.  I do not know when it stopped working properly

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Does the captain have his own loot table profile?  It has always been set to the same as the pirates.

Captain profile:
 "lootProfile": "pirate",

This is the same entry for the pirates profile:

Pirate profile:
"lootProfile": "pirate",

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I reloaded everything from scratch and did the event myself and a note was on the captain.

Not sure why the note was not there a few times.

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Found the issue

When the maximum amount of items in the corpse is exceeded, the loot generator just stops. Since the note is the last item there is a chance that it is skipped

Will fix this with the next update

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