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Removing NPC Military Base

Closed 1.2.2


Hello, I have abandoned military Base D on my server and I change the config to enabled false and remove other NPC true but they still spawn NPC at the military bases. I've got it disabled for other monuments and it works there.

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The BetterNpc have been removed, it's just the standard rust NPC that haven't been removed. All my other monuments they are removed however.

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Not if you disable the "Enabled? [true/false]", then you tell the BetterNpc plugin that it does not need to do anything on this monument, that it does not need to make any changes to this monument, respectively, you have standard npcs

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But that is working for all my other monuments, I have it disabled then true to remove all the other NPC and it has zero NPC at the other monuments.

Edited by Sjd6795
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in order to get the result you want, you need to enable the plugin on this monument, but disable all presets from the BetterNpc plugin on this monument, then it will remove the standard ones and will not spawn NPCs from the BetterNpc plugin

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But that is working for all my other monuments, I have it disabled then true to remove all the other NPC

no, it doesn't work that way, you're wrong

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with this setup, the plugin will not make any changes to this monument, once again, you are wrong. Most likely you have a metro station under this monument or there is some other monument and it has large dimensions for its zone, so it is not this monument that removes them, but the metro station under it or another monument

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Ok that makes sense for the water treatment plant as it has a metro station underneath. However the satellite dish has no metro station and I don't have any other plugin that controls monuments or anything to do with NPC other than the required NPCspawn plugin.


satallite dish.PNG

Satellite Dish.json

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Ok well that's odd, pretty sure I had NPC there before installing BetterNpc. Well thank you for clarifying so to get rid of all NPC there I can just set the NPC limits day/night to 0 correct?

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no, you have the option to enable and disable NPC presets on monuments, it's better to disable NPC presets on this monument

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Ok awesome that is working. My only thing now I have a custom bradley monument plugin and my bradley want spawn, on the military base. That's the only thing I want at this base is the bradley. How to add support to ignore this plugin?

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