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miss prefab

Closed 1.4




i read the license, but nothing said that we can't edit it (before he update his license)



Changed Status from Closed to Not a Bug



Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed



Здравствуйте! я тут все прочел спор и так далее, хочу выразить свое мнение так сказать, я тоже за то чтобы карту человек купил и можно было ее редактировать, но не все карты, вот вопрос мой таков, я хочу приобрести карту с возможностью ее редактирования и как ее определить можно ли редактировать или нет, и поставить на нее пароль. Скажите вообще как поставить пароль на карту, с уважением Виктор!


Posted (edited)

Hello Victor! This map doesn't have password BUT, if you decide to modify the map you will have custom prefabs missing. Also modify the map will void the warranty and I won't fix it. Also you won't be able to update the map without losing your modifications. To finish, I understand how you feel but any of my work reflect a certain standard and quality that can only be affected when people modify my creations.

What I do to let protentional buyer that my map can't be edited I wrote it in the licence: 


I strongly advice to contact the buyer if you have a doubt or if they don't mention if the map is editable or not.


Best ragards,




Edited by SKIROW
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Все понял, спасибо большое за ответ!👍

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You're very welcome! 


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Можно еще вопрос последний, как поставить пароль на карту? Платно это вообще или нет? с уважением Виктор!



it's better when the mapper tell that the map is not editable before a customer buy it, just sayin



Posted (edited)

Even better when you read the license before getting all nasty and disrespectful, Electrik...

Edited by SKIROW
  • Administrator


On 7/1/2021 at 2:11 PM, Electrik said:

i read the license, but nothing said that we can't edit it (before he update his license)

People often think that no license means no rules but it's quite the opposite - No license means no permissions.

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I readed the license, nothing notice that was not editable, that was add after my complain, it’s not really nice sorry 



I think in a world of 90% of rust maps that are editable « by default » it’s way better to notice when it’s not, and one more time, before any customer buy the map.



Customers need to respect seller, but sellers also need to respect customers 


Posted (edited)

1_ The license never changed.

2_ I never disrespected any of my customers.

3_ You lied about me changing the license. You accuse me and you have nothing to prove what you say.

4_ You criticized my work in a pity way. I have years of experience in level design and my work has been recognized. 

5_ You have been harassing me with your BS and your lies here, on my youtube and discord since you bought my map because you didn't read the license. You made a mistake, not me.  

Again, stop! Do not come on my page again, do not contact me anywhere, stop harassing me and PLEASE stop lying! Or show me any proof...

Edited by SKIROW
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I knew I had to take screens...



And I don’t critiquize your work (just point there’s some bugs, and sorry but some bad), I critiquize the support (I tried to talk to you in private to keep it private so, but you never replied, then closed this ticket, for exemple, i don’t really call that respecting customer)

I’m done with that, lost 40$, not do big, but not do good too



And I don’t send you message (except the first one at beginning you never replied), I just have notifications on my own post, so I reply when I thinking it needed.

And I didn’t come to your page, but you come to mine, I check what’s new on the updates (always with hope it will be an update that let me use the map), but you come to mine without having any of my work, don’t really know why.

  • Administrator


9 hours ago, Electrik said:

I readed the license, nothing notice that was not editable, that was add after my complain, it’s not really nice sorry 

I'm not sure if you understood me there or not.

"People often think that no license means no rules but it's quite the opposite - No license means no permissions."

IE - A blank license means there are no rights or privileges granted.


If a licence doesn't mention editing, for example, then it's safe to assume that permission to edit is not granted under that license.


  • Like 1


I understood, but as i said, when 90% of maps are editable, even if no license mean not allowed to edit, it's better to notice the customers that they can't edit. And don't add this notice after an issue with a customer. I bought lots of maps, it's the very first i can't edit.

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Блин какой же приставучий этот (Электрик) если честно я бы тоже писал что типа почему нельзя редактировать, смирись уже, 40$ уже ушли в нужное русло, без обид только, а так тебе скажу все равно карта то твоя и только у тебя такая и все! Лайк электрику. а то я тут все читаю мне аж жалко тебя становится. с уважением Виктор!In Love Cat GIF



edit a map not mean it's become your map, that just mean if your server use some features (like arena events), it's nice to be able to add an arena (so) to the map you bought, is it really hard to understand that ? thanks



best way to protect your map ?

-add a password is not needed (thank unity)
-make a unique prefab with all the prefabs on the map
-don't give this prefabs with the map
-if a customer need to edit the map, ask what he want to do, if it's something acceptable, give him this unique prefab, then if your map can be find with modification, you know where to search.

all of that will not mean your map will be sell by someone, because every players on a server have the map on his computer.
not allow edit map just make less owner to buy it cause they can't add their own stuff.

  • Administrator


If we could keep the chat here to English that would be appreciated.

@Electrik- If you think there should be more explicit statements about whether an asset is editable or not then that's valid criticism and we, admin, will take it on board, but that is a conversation to have with staff/admin - Not the author.

Pursuing this debate here in this way is not productive.

The author's license and description didn't explicitly state that modification rights were granted, and that's their choice.


If you don't like that then that's OK, and you've made that point,
and if you think Codefling should enforce clearer descriptions/terms then that's OK too and, as said, that's a discussion to have with staff.

Either way, this is probably a good time to end discussions with the author.



"and if you think Codefling should enforce clearer descriptions/terms then that's OK too and, as said, that's a discussion to have with staff."

why not, with that all customers know what they bought exactly



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