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the mod doesn't work

Closed 1.5.0


the mod doesn't work, there are no bags anywhere, i can't make them or find them, i play 50 hours with this mod and i don't have a single bag, please help

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If you want bags to automatically appear in loot containers, you can enable it in the config. It's not enabled by default. The instructions are in the documentation. If you are using another loot plugin, you may need to enable the option that adds the bags with a delay.

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When you say you cannot put anything in them, do you mean that they have the checkered appearance? If so, that means wherever you placed them (in your inventory, in a container, etc.) has a limit of 0 for that bag category. Bag limits can be changed in the config. By default, players can place items in up to 3 bags in their inventory at once, but cannot place items inside bags that are inside of storage containers.

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Resolved on Discord. The requester wanted to know how to enable loot spawns in the config. They were new to Rust plugins and didn't know about config files.

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