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Loot crates

Closed 1.0.5


This is actually a question but I suppose that could be considered support 😛

I was wandering about loot crates in the custom monuments, I am due to launch the map in wipe tomorrow and before I do I would like to know if there are loot crates and what Tiers are there in the monuments?



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Hi, there is a loot on all monuments and it is approximately similar to the loot on standard monuments, maybe even a little more. That is, you will always find more loot behind the puzzles

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Gr8 Thnx.

Can I ask one more thing in this post, Is the possibility to get the mini copter? I didn't find it at the merged bandit/outpost

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Ok, lol there is no Heli pad, just the vendor haha ma bad, thnx for the help....


Anyway for what I have see now really awesome work on the map, I can see you guys put a lot of effort into the details. I will probably use the map for 2 wipes and then have a look at your other ones, any suggestions for me?


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