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A suggestion

Closed 1.7.1



I love this plugin! I think it's one of the best on my server.  I want to try something new. I use Abandoned Bases, and I would like to give players a grace exemption period until the 10th of the month before their base can be listed as abandoned.

I would normally do this by adding the users to a group that is exempt.  At the moment, if I add users to the group, they will all get 10 days, for example.  What I would like as well, if you could somehow add a group expiry date,  ie, all members in a group will be revoked on a certain date, so some users can get a full 10 days protection if they login on the 1st, while another player will only get 2 days if they login on the 8th.

If the plugin can already do this, please let me know how to implement it.


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