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HORRIBLE LAG (Players Spamming PNPC commands)

Closed 1.6.1 1.6.11


Players on my server have found out they can cause HORRIBLE LAG on the server by spamming PNPC GUI buttons such as "Gather Berries".

I've reduced the searching range to 40m but it still lags the server when abused.

Could we get a cooldown or waiting period between bot requests per player?
Could you cooldown time be configurable through the config file as well?

For example:
Player is spamming "Gather Berries" but they can only send the command once every 5 seconds.

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thank you for the feedback
can you share your config? i need to see which commands affect your server's performance
also there should be some logs about these lags in the console, can you share them also

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thank you for the feedback
can you share your config? i need to see which commands affect your server's performance
also there should be some logs about these lags in the console, can you share them also

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