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Zone Flags

Closed 1.1.6 1.1.6


Interesting. If I'm honest I've never actually tested them personally. It should be a path to configure flags for NextGEN or TruePVE. The flag you're setting would need to be supported by the PVE system you're using so I guess that would be "TurretsIgnorePlayers" for TruePVE?

What's the error you're getting?

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...so if I'm recalling this correctly, they probably should be named "Rule Flags" instead of "Zone Flags" which actually is a ZoneManager. concept. ...I want to say those are being passed on to the PVE System but I'll have to check the code.

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So yes, these are ZoneManager flags. I'm assuming you were getting an error about casting from string to String[]. You can use this format in the config:

  "TC Zone Flags": ["noturrettargeting"],

And if you want more than one value, it would be ["noturrettargeting", "keepvehiclesout "]


Let me know if this gets you where you want to be,


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