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Can anyone create kit?

Pending 1.2.10

  • in Kits

Disregard the original message, I was set as owner. Once I removed owner I could no longer create kits. However as default no kits are shown and I have the show all kits set to true.

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I have granted the permission for group default using the console and also verified it's enabled in /Cpanel using Carbon not oxide, and my player is also part of that default group.

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Here are some screen shots of Cpanel and the kit, what I circled in red I am not able to remove from the name, I want it to just say starter but it keeps adding the display part back to it. kits.default is also inherited by the default group but the moment I remove myself from being owner I can no longer see the kit. I also have economics plugin and that is what's being used in the kit config file, I also have the shortname set to Scrap but the kit is still free to use.



Edited by Sjd6795
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Hi again. To enable the sale, you need to set the Price and click “Enable sale”. About changing the Display Name in the GUI: this is a bug, we will fix it

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Ok so I need to enable sale that way the kits will cost the scrap price?

Got it 🙂 ty

Edited by Sjd6795
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