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Issue with Satalite DIsh Tunnel

Closed 3.1



My players have reported Issues with the Satellite Dish tunnel. Players who ride a horse through said tunnel are unable to do so. Players are also getting kicked from my server when running through this tunnel with Error: Disconnected : Kicked: Inside Terrain Violation Level 200.

Maybe there is something weird with the terrain within the tunnel. Invisible Terrain?

I am working on a recording of the issue that I can send to you if you'd like.




I have isolated to this error where it was kicking my players out




This is the tunnel that horses wont go through but maybe that is intentional?

Richard Hertz


Hello, I am sorry that there is an issue with the map. I will work on a correction as soon as Rust Edit is updated. It is currently broken since the update a few days ago. If you would like to add me on discord, I can keep you updated when I am able to release a new version. As for horses, I did intend for everything to pass throigh the tunnel, but I will also look into why now it does not work anymore.

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Thank you! It also appears to be a bug with the above ground labs. When my players go there they get kicked from the server when opening their map. Really odd issue. I'll get more info on it but multiple players have been reporting this to me.

Richard Hertz


Oh that is unfortunate. I wonder if something changed in the last few months. I may have to ommit the labs of that continues. Do you have default antihack settings in your server config or have you modified them?



I just have default antihack settings.
One of my players just posted a ticket saying  "above ground lab: I died twice going through the kitchen area"

Richard Hertz


Yea it sounds like physics have changed. I can give you a replacement map of youd like. The new RustEdit has not been released het so im not sure how long itll take to fix or remove the broken parts of the map.

Richard Hertz


Can you contact me on discord please

richardhertz <----



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