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No Shark?

Closed 1.0.1 1.0.7


I am having issues with not seeing a shark come from the shark launcher, In a friends server while shooting you can control the speed and such of the shark which i figured out, but nothing leaves the launcher when fired. 

Best Regards. 

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morning . ok ill have a look . seems fishy.... please provide me with version number and a list of current outher plugins in server . and config file

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Hey bud, i am having same issue, no shark but boom still happens, chicken launcher works fine tho so i am unsure on the reason why 

Edited by flashg
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20/07 15:59:54 | Failed to run a 0.05 timer in 'SharkLauncher v1.0.1' (NullReferenceException: )
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
at Oxide.Plugins.SharkLauncher+<OnPlayerInput>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <4ea571af85ce4437a20ae93aa7d5b232>:0
at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0

thats the console error



  "1. Launcher does Damage [when false damage only 5]": true,
  "2. FireRateCooldown in Sec's": 5,
  "3. Shark Launch velocity [default = 20]": 20

oxide and rust was updated this morning. Oxide version: 2.0.5925 (Up to date)


Edited by flashg
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Ok does any of your other plugin block sharks from spawning in water . Or can you confirm there are sharks roaming arround naturaly

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there are no sharks roaming around naturally, and sorry was getting the plugin list slowly haha, but no plugins that do anything with animals

Server config :simpleshark.disable 1 

Edited by flashg
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Ok . So im in a powercut in my country . So in hour time  ill jump on and test that setting . I feel that might fisable plugin from spawning it . If i can confirm thats the case ill get a workaround for you   but im 90% sure this is the problem . As the error indicateds that shark was not spawned ..... disableing the simple shark is most likely the culpret

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Ok can you check if there is a simpleshark.population var . If so then setting it to 0 will stop spawns but not disable the shark

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simpleshark.enable 1: thats is in my config,

i will test it now with shark enabled but set to 0 

Edited by flashg
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@NooBlet ok changed simpleshark.enable 1 to 0 and rockets still work and sharks still spawn so made no difference. In console you only get a true or false option so i think the 1 is not relevant to the amount 

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when you say config . do you mean server setting . .... tipe in f1    simpleshark.enable     soes it then return 1 or 0

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