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having issues

Closed 1.1.2 1.2.1

so i re name the z13 viruis to my own s virus is that why its not showing up on the custom frame work i can only the broken leg one to work none of the others?

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i have tried messing around with the plugin and nothing is still working just broken leg? i am running a default config with the zombie horde plugin. please any help will be apprecaited i just spent 20 buck on this plugin. does it matter if i have a health boost thru better metabolsim ?

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Hey! I'm sorry you're having issues, you mentioned that only broken leg is working? That would definitely be strange, probably a plugin conflict if I had to guess.

Are you running Oxide or Carbon? 

If you want you can feel free to shoot me a message on discord (link is in the plugin post), if we need to I'll even do a screen share with you to diagnose the issue.

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ok so i got the zombie virus to work with heavy scientist npc then it started working  for that but i sitill cant get rabies and such from the anmals scarecrows listed entites does not work heavy scientist npc to work just like the umod plugin 


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ok this situation is fixed everything seems to be working but the condition after death to remove is still not removing it after death for some players?

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