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Conflicts between DLC owners and Bskin

Closed 1.0.7 1.0.9



Hi, we have just found a conflict between the DLC owners and this mod: since by default the skins are not activated in Bskin (which is good) it always triggers a conflict as soon as someone tries via DLC to skin his buildings - so without that he first activates the skin in /bskin.
This has the consequence that you see as an example for a millisecond the wall as adobe and then Bskin forces (from mod point of view logically) the wall or whatever back to stone.

It is a bit complicated to explain so here is the process:
- player joins for the first time and owns the adobe DLC
- bskin has by default the DLC skins not activated (which is good) and so stone = stone and sheet metal = sheet metal
- player does not know about bskin and wants to skin his wall to adobe with the hammer via DLC
- wall changes to adobe for a very short time and then it changes back to stone because bskin has activated stone

Is there maybe a way to set it to bypass for the DLC hammer function?



i know about the problem. this will be fixed in a new update. I don't have a purchased DLC and that's why it's hard for me to check it 100%

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Oh awesome! Thanks. If you need a test person, just dm me on discord: ilineus - J.A.R.V.I.S.#5700

Happy to help



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.8



Hi there, i have just tested the new version, and the conflict still appears. 😞



oh sorry didn't see your question: it switched the skin back to what was in the bskin settings. but now with the newest version it works! ^^



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