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wipe seed not working...

Closed 2023.5.21.1424 2023.6.25.1525


Hi, you should not edit manually the "Seed" nor the "Task" fields on the config file.

You must populate the "Seeds" array with the list of seeds, and the system will select one from the list. If you list only has ONE seed, that should be the seed applied on wipe.

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So when the server boots up with the config type this one of the following at the rcon:

  1. wipe full
  2. wipe weekly

Now you should see your server restarting.. and next time a new seed should be at the "seed" field.

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But 1337 is not even on the config any longer..

Can you do two wipe cycles in a row, so type wipe full, let it restart and type again wipe full.

Send me the log file for the server (only the lines that match Oxidation.Wiper).

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Actually is the daemon log file.. the one that usually starts with:

Mono path[0] = 'E:/rustd/plugins/RustDedicated_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'E:/rustd/plugins/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Initialize engine version: 2019.4.7f1 (e992b1a16e65)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path E:/rustd/plugins/RustDedicated_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti (ID=0x2482)
    VRAM:     8031 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly



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RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics -silent-crashes -swnet +server.port 28015 -queryport 28016 +rcon.port 28017 +app.port 28018



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ohhhhh its working!!

I had no idea that +seed was needed on the startup command line!
I used to mapvoter and autowipe script, so that plugin use server.cfg... The command line was a complete blind spot!


Most of all, thank you for my consultation!
I am glad you were able to help me solve my problem!

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> I had no idea that +seed was needed on the startup command line!

yeah this was an oversight on my side.. I will make it work without requiring the seed argument on the cmd line tho.

Not a problem !
Just drop a review of the plugin and star rate it, I would appreciate it.

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>yeah this was an oversight on my side.. I will make it work without requiring the seed argument on the cmd line tho.

aa thank you!  I pray that the Plugin you create will continue to be better in the future!


>Just drop a review of the plugin and star rate it, I would appreciate it.

Yeah of course !! this is veryvery good ploject

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