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UI doesnt open

Pending 1.1.9


Hello all,


i am running a rust dedicated server offline - installed oxide and put the plugin botrespawn in the plugin folder. In the console i see that the plugin botrespawn was successfully compiled. When typing bots.count in the game console it shows in the cmd that there are 0 bots spawned. When trying to open the UI ingame with the ingame chat command /botrespawn nothing is happening. It doesnt respond with "command not found" or something.


Please help

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  • Administrator

It sounds like you aren't admin on the server and don't have the BotReSpawn.allowed permission.
Either one of these will grant you access to the UI via chat command.

The console command for bots.count doesn't require either of these, which is why you're getting a response from it. 👍

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i added my 64bit steamid in users.cfg and i added botrespawn.allowed to the start options from rustdedicated.exe

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