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permissions and text moving

Closed 1.2.9

  • in Kits

hi there, How do i add permissions so that i can make kits available for say VIP's 

i only have kits.default perm currently. so a kits.vip1 needed? 

also Id like to be able to move the kit names so i can have an image at the top and text on bottom parts of the kit menu options 🙂



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Hi! Yes, you're right. To create a VIP kit, you need to set its permission and give that permission to the VIP group.

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To move the kit names, you need to edit the following item in the config:

    "Display Name Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "AnchorMin": "0.5 1",
      "AnchorMax": "0.5 1",
      "OffsetMin": "-45 -75",
      "OffsetMax": "45 0"


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