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Reports updates required when plugins are up to date

Closed 3.1.0


I have the plugin reporting to a discord channel. It just reported 8 plugins need updating:

[Umod]AdminRadar 5.1.9 -> 5.2.2 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://umod.org/plugins/adminradar
[Umod]Backpacks 3.8.1 -> 3.11.5 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://umod.org/plugins/backpacks
[Codefling]PermissionsManager 2.0.7 -> 2.0.9 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/permissionsmanager
[LoneDesign]RaidableBases 2.6.7 -> 2.7.1 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://lone.design/product/raidable-bases-rust-plugin/
[ChaosCode]SkinBox 2.1.20 -> 2.1.23 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/skinbox.17/
[ChaosCode]UberTool 1.4.26 -> 1.4.30 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/ubertool-admins-new-friend.78/
[Umod]Vanish 1.6.8 -> 1.7.0 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://umod.org/plugins/vanish
[ChaosCode]ZombieHorde 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/zombiehorde.120/

Below are the versions of each plugin currently on the server.

[Info("Admin Radar", "nivex", "5.3.1")]

[Info("Backpacks", "WhiteThunder", "3.11.6")]

[Info("PermissionsManager", "Steenamaroo", "2.0.9", ResourceId = 3)]

[Info("Raidable Bases", "nivex", "2.7.2")]

 [Info("SkinBox", "k1lly0u", "2.1.23"), Description("Allows you to reskin item's by placing it in the SkinBox and selecting a new skin")]

[Info("UberTool", "FuJiCuRa", "1.4.30", ResourceId = 78)]

[Info("Vanish", "Whispers88", "1.8.0")]

[Info("ZombieHorde", "k1lly0u", "0.6.8")]


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On the UMOD website with a delay, the API is updated for about 3 days.
I checked, at the moment the API of these plugins updated

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You're not saying that UMOD's API handles plugin information from other sites are you? Only 3 of them are from umod. The rest are from here, chaos and even lone's site. 

What I was trying to show was I have the version, or even newer than this plugin is expecting, but still posting to the discord channel that I need to update these.  It's reported those same plugins every time it checks since this last wipe. 

The plugin dev is correctly showing the version number in their cs file, so that can't be the issue. 

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no, because I removed the plugin yesterday since I didn't need the messages 

I'll put it back on and recreate the webhook with the same config and see if it still occurs

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I'll keep an eye on this. Originally I had 2 servers reporting using the same webhook. I've re-uploaded your plugin, using a new webhook with the interval set to 5 minutes. Nothing has came into Discord yet. 

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an anomaly just occurred....the plugin notified that I needed to update Arkan, I haven't had Arkan on the server for several months now 

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