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Custom Spawns help

Closed 2.1.6



I am setting up botspawns (custom) on the map....I'm noticing they aren't moving and just standing still.....I have stationary on false on all them, etc.....


I have 5-6 spawn points set and they pop in and attack if you approrach....They don't move though....


    "warehouse1": {
      "AutoSpawn": true,
      "Murderer": true,
      "Respawn_Timer": 1800,
      "BotNames": [
        "Warehouse Manager",
        "Warehouse Mechanic",
        "Warehouse Security"
      "BotNamePrefix": "",
      "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
      "Kit": [
      "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 4,
      "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 4,
      "Radius": 100,
      "Roam_Range": 40,
      "Chute": false,
      "Stationary": false,
      "UseCustomSpawns": true,
      "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": true,
      "Announce_Spawn": false,
      "Announcement_Text": "",
      "BotHealth": 100,
      "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 40,
      "Bot_Damage_Percent": 40,
      "Aggro_Range": 30,
      "DeAggro_Range": 40,
      "Peace_Keeper": false,
      "Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down": 5,
      "Attacks_Other_Profiles": false,
      "Suicide_Timer": 300,
      "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
      "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
      "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
      "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
      "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
      "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
      "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
      "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
      "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
      "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
      "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 600,
      "Disable_Radio": true,
      "Running_Speed_Boost": 0.0,
      "AlwaysUseLights": false,
      "Corpse_Duration": 60,
      "Location": {
        "x": -1300.76782,
        "y": 11.9617262,
        "z": -926.91864
      "ServerRewardsValue": 0,
      "Parent_Monument": ""

They seem to just stand there and not argo or move....etc......Any help would be great...Thank you.

  • Administrator


What's the surrounding area like? It may be that they have nowhere to go.
If there are lots of obstacles and tight corners that's probably the case.



I have the same issue with the bots spawning in Airfield



On 5/13/2021 at 2:45 PM, Steenamaroo said:

What's the surrounding area like? It may be that they have nowhere to go.
If there are lots of obstacles and tight corners that's probably the case.

I've put them on flat ground, etc with nothing around. They just stand and attack if u walk up to them (no roaming or walking). 

  • Administrator


Have you given them any unusual items in their kit belt?
I just tested at a lighthouse where I'd expect problems but the npc ran around without issue.


Posted (edited)

Well, they seem to work with the default spawns cfg.....however all the custom profiles seem to be stationary (even with false)....I've setup over 40 spawn points with 10 different areas.......Some only have simple axes and still stand. It's like they aren't dropping to the ground.

I have a server setup Doublee Dead Lands if you would like to connect. I can show you them and the cfgs if needed 🙂

Edited by doublee313
  • Administrator


Looks like you're running a custom map.
I'd test your current kits + other settings on a proc gen and see how that goes.



I was hoping to get it working on custom maps. I noticed they use NPCNav.cs for NPCs on the custom maps I use. Could that be conflicting?

  • Administrator


BotSpawn does work on CustomMaps but there are assets, seen and unseen, which can prevent npcs from spawning, or moving.
The reason I'd test on a proc-gen before anything else is because that proves the issue to your files and settings, or your map.

If it proves to your map then there may be something the creator can do.
If you have the same issue on proc-gen then that's either a plugin conflict (run BotSpawn + Kits solo to prove), or something I have to look into.



Ok, i was using a server manager that didn't show the logs correctly......So i found the file to review now for the logs for BotSpawn  Now i see the issues I can work on and report back. Thanks.


10:21 [Info] Unloaded plugin BotSpawn v2.1.6 by Steenamaroo
10:21 [Info] Loaded plugin BotSpawn v2.1.6 by Steenamaroo
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] No custom spawn points were found for profile - supermarket1.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] No custom spawn points were found for profile - supermarket4.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] There are not enough spawn points for population at profile - supermarket6. Reducing population
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 4 in Spawns file warehouse3 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file warehouse1 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file junkyardarms is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 1 in Spawns file garage1 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file garage2 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file garage3 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 3 in Spawns file supermarket2 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 2 in Spawns file warehouse3 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] A bot at junkyardarms has no weapon. Check your kits.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 1 in Spawns file supermarket6 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file quarry3 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] A bot at junkyardarms has no weapon. Check your kits.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file garage1 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] A bot at junkyardarms has no weapon. Check your kits.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] Spawn point 0 in Spawns file sphere1 is too far away from navmesh.
10:21 [Warning] [BotSpawn] A bot at junkyardarms has no weapon. Check your kits.



Ok, after a ton of troubleshooting...Botspawn isn't the issue with the NPCs standing still...It seems I had a setting in ZombeHorde on and it broke the Animals and other NPCs.....If you have this issue using both....I put: "Disable NPC dormant system. This will allow NPCs to move all the time, but at a cost to performance": false, in ZombieHorde json. He's working on the AI/NPC on his plugin so that helps fix if you have the same issues.

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  • Administrator



Glad to hear you found the issue, and even more glad it wasn't BotSpawn. 😂
Thanks for sharing your findings, for anyone else in the same boat.

  • Administrator


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