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Lootable Turrets

Can't Reproduce 1.0.4


  "Allow turrets to be looted after they are disabled. (Each turret has an AK and full stacks of ammo)": false,


This doesnt appear to work

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Hi, can you please let me know which way you are trying to configure it and what's happening specifically? I haven't had anyone report any issues with this config setting.

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Thanks for the config. I don't see anything wrong with how it's set in your config. I'm having trouble recreating the issue. Could you perhaps take a short video demonstrating what you are experiencing? You can send it to me on discord if you'd like as I don't think it will allow you to send it here. 


Discord: Cahnu#5653

Edited by Cahnu
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Just wanted to follow up here. I've confirmed I'm unable to recreate this issue on the latest version. If you are still running into this let me know. I haven't seen anything on discord from you.

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Please let me know if you are still running into this. Otherwise I'll go ahead and close out this issue.

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