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bases not spawning

Closed 2.6.9

james dykeman
james dykeman


I use Maintained raid bases everything works . If I change what days they can spawn on no bases spawn 

"Easy Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Medium Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": false,
        "Friday": false,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Hard Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": false,
        "Friday": false,
        "Saturday": false,
        "Sunday": true
      "Expert Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": false,
        "Friday": false,
        "Saturday": false,
        "Sunday": false
      "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": false,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": false,
        "Friday": false,
        "Saturday": false,
        "Sunday": false



Nothing will spawn but if I change it to this  they will spawn fine 


"Easy Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Medium Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Hard Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": false,
        "Sunday": true
      "Expert Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true





can you post the rest of the config

james dykeman

Posted (edited)

If I have it set to just load easy bases nothing happens .. If i make it so it loads easy and medium it will pick some from each and load them  it will not load just a single group.

Edited by james dykeman


[RaidableBases] Grid initialization completed in 31 seconds and 832 milliseconds on a 4000 size map with 2058 potential points.
You've successfully pasted the structure (-1013.8, 16.2, -188.9) raideasy11
[RaidableBases] raideasy11 @ G14 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (400.7, 14.6, 1446.1) raideasy10
[RaidableBases] raideasy10 @ Q3 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (863.9, 1.0, -620.0) may1
[RaidableBases] may1 @ T17 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-325.2, 49.2, 885.6) raideasy13
[RaidableBases] raideasy13 @ L7 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-687.0, 3.7, -1729.6) nivex10
[RaidableBases] nivex10 @ I25 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (164.0, 96.0, -901.9) raideasy15
[RaidableBases] raideasy15 @ O19 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (950.1, 1.0, 672.3) raideasy9
[RaidableBases] raideasy9 @ U9 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (1064.8, 96.0, -1339.9) raideasy12
[RaidableBases] raideasy12 @ U22 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-286.8, 17.9, 1646.3) raideasy17
[RaidableBases] raideasy17 @ L2 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (350.2, 1.0, -281.1) nivex8
[RaidableBases] nivex8 @ Q15 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-987.5, 1.0, -1327.4) raideasy1
[RaidableBases] raideasy1 @ G22 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (1335.9, 1.0, -390.9) raideasy6
[RaidableBases] raideasy6 @ W16 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-1624.2, 1.3, 485.7) raideasy4
[RaidableBases] raideasy4 @ C10 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (-475.2, 1.0, -1139.6) raideasy14
[RaidableBases] raideasy14 @ K21 : 70 items
You've successfully pasted the structure (325.7, 40.8, 297.0) raideasy5
[RaidableBases] raideasy5 @ P11 : 70 items

all 15 spawned using your provided config

zip up the rb folders and DM them to me





is there a reason the copypaste folder in this zip is not all lowercase?

is it lowercase on your server, oxide/data/copypaste and not oxide/data/CopyPaste?


Posted (edited)


so there's no direct correlation between disabling modes on specific days and bases not spawning when they should. ive confirmed this twice now for you

if it is linked some other way then i am not aware of that yet. lets try this instead...

"Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 500.0,

that is under Maintained Events. this is too high for a lot of maps. it should be set to 150 to 200 at most. try this and let me know how that works for you.

if this does not work then you can create an account for me on your server and ill check it out myself.

Edited by nivex
james dykeman


Ok so I tested it. shut down the server set the distance to 150 set easy bases to spawn mon to sun true and got nothing,   the I set them to false and just medium to true for monday to sunsay and spawned right away when I reloaded it, I set only each type of base to spawn and the same thing all spawned fine then I turned them all to true and I got a mix just not the easy bases, so what I'm going to try in the morning I have off tomorrow is delete the raid base files rename the raid bases and start from new if that doesn't work I'lll let you know.


Posted (edited)

sure let me know

you can use rb.config list command to see if you have the copypaste files where they belong, and that your profiles have the correct filenames in them too. you can ignore any warnings about missing files if they have no relevance to what you're using. the only bit that matters is the files you are trying to use.

rbe debug is also there to help you with any configuration and profiles mistakes, as well as map issues. it is debug, so it will contain both good and bad messages. its fairly straight forward to understand the messages as they're all self explanatory. group any associated messages (those pertaining to EASY in this case) and sort them by most likely cause.

you will want to let the plugin run for a few minutes before using the command so it can build enough debug messages to be meaningful

you can toggle it off by typing the command again.

Edited by nivex
james dykeman


Tonight I'm going to remove all the medium base names and replace them with the easy and put the medium in the easy and see what happens


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james dykeman



So I deleted all the names in the medium file and typed in the easy base name  set the config to only load medium base and it worked loaded them right in. Then I deleted the easy file renamed the medium file to the easy and loaded in the medium file I sent you and set the config to only load easy bases and I got nothing again. None of them would load.


Posted (edited)


I looked over this so many times I don't know how I missed it LOL

"Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = expert, 4 = nightmare)": 1,

you have that set in your easy profile. it should be set to 0

Edited by nivex


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