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stacking breaks joints

Closed 2.0.1

  • in Ganja


im getting the run around from everyone. heres the deal. i bought ganja. joints were broken, so i bought your other plugin that supposedly runs well with it. joints are still broken. what now

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i can also open a ticket in gui loottable if youd like




suddenly broken for me and unresponsive for me plugin shows crafting recipes but nothing works even the smoking of ones i had crafted



bummer. sounds like kiiiiiing has nothing to say to us. 



ill give an update to those that are interested. he did reach out after a couple weeks. i wish he hadn't. I'm not convinced that he responded to help. He came out the gates, swinging. Attempting to use my words against me, and catch me in some sort of lie, i guess...it was very strange. 

I dont know if this is how he talks to everyone, or if he thinks im a toddler or lost puppy, but the attitude was unbearable. 

He informed me that ganja doesn't handle stacking, and that its not required to have both plugins installed. SO NOTHING.

 Im baffled. its both enraging and hilarious. He already had my money, he avoided responding for 2 weeks. he could have just left it be. im the first to sympathize. people get busy.

instead, he doubled down, going glassed earth on any hope of civil discourse.


what will i do now?

ill dumpster his code, and make my own plugin from the ground up, for my own server.  

i already have a few ideas as to how i might resolve the stacking issue, using some semi complex logic. 


if he reads this, i sincerely hope he learns from it. 


now hold my beer.....








Dead Nasty


closed the ticket without helping anyone. what a guy. stacks break the joints. im using stack size controller cause no way in hell impaying 38$ for their addon. Make horse shoe stacks only go to 1 then it fixes this issue of not being able to light. only fix i have found. 

Dead Nasty


ive also noticed 99% of plugin devs are rude and very unhelpful when it comes to issues and problems. either they never answer or try to make you seem stupid and say their plugin is gold. 



developers are a certain breed...

i work with a bunch. honestly, my interaction with rust devs have been super positive, other than this dude.

dont buy his 38$ plugin bc : it doesnt resolve the issue, when he updates, he breaks it, its a pile of shit with a pretty ui, and codefling didnt release my review on it.

i was kind enough to rewrite it, per their request.

I was concise, and they demanded i rewrite again. no wonder it had 5 stars! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD!

ive been quiet since the issue, but it doesnt sit right with me. I let some other server owners know about the problem, showed them the dm's, and codeflings process of review filtering. that $50 will cost them well over $2k.


its the least i can do, really. 

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