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Help with config

Closed 1.2.8


I love the plugin so far but needed a little help fine tuning the config.

First I was wondering if I can set the event to spawn at a random interval between two set values.

Also, I was having trouble figuring out how to keep the event confined to a small radius. I can only seem to get them to fall all over the map.

Finally, I was wondering how to make the map markers say that it is a meteor.  Currently they are labeled as "a debris field"

Your help would be appreciated and thanks for a solid event plugin.

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There is only one option to set timed events, without randomization - "Event Timer - Event Every X Seconds (0 to disable)":

You can't run event on a small radius, based on locaization. All you can do is to set direct event, for each player x of meteors, or decrease fall range with "All Meteors - Meteor Spread On Map (higher = smaller impact radius)": option.

If you want to set the marker say it's meteor you can only use the shop indicator, because only this type of marker supports custom names. You need to set "Marker - Map Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal",

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Awesome, I got it all set now. Love the plugin, the only thing that I would add is random timed events. 

One more thing, I am a little confused on the health pools of the giant meteors. I've done some trial and error and they seem to take quite a bit of boom. Do I just adjust the damage done by rockets, timed explo, etc? 

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