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This plugin needs actual documentation

Closed 1.2.3


I am trying to create Airwolf vendors at all gas stations. Installation and spawning the NPC where I want it was a breeze. After that the documentation leaves a lot to be desired. It says "A message will popup explaining how to add the spawn points." That doesn't happen. You replied to another support request to simply "press the reload key". Assuming you mean reload as in "R" key by default, that doesn't work. I also tried reloading the plugin but that also does nothing.

For a paid plugin, this documentation is inadequate and I have spent over two hours trying to figure out this one little issue. I have searched on this platform, YT, and otherwise and can't find an answer so now I'm here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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did you also install the included TalkingNpcVehicles.cs file assuming not? 

docs show.

1. Spawn the vendor
/talking_npc vehicle copter <"Unique_Vendor_Name"> <false/true>

2. Create vehicle spawn points for copters
A message will popup explaining how to add the spawn points.


if nothing popping up most likely means TalkingNpcVehicles is not 

loaded let me know.


Nothing inadequate about that.


if you would like contact Lizard Mods#0947 on discord hes been working on a video for me. as there is 100000000 of posabilities.

Edited by Razor
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I had placed both .cs files file there yesterday when I got them but it never loaded until I manually loaded the plugin after your responded. I appreciate your quick response and was able to get it working. 

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thanks for the reply yes we are working on a good video its just so big its taking some time to complete as you can do so much with the plugin.


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Based on the YT showcase video for the plugin, it seem that as long as I place these vendor NPCs at monuments, they will spawn at the same monuments after wipe. Is it really that easy?


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