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repair bench skinning stopped working

Closed 1.0.13 1.0.13


So, I'm getting reports form players that the normal way to skin items (via the repairbench) does not work.
It will not change the skin.

Am I missing a setting somewhere in the plugin that prevents this?

I had some issues with the latest update (where the data was moved to a different location), where some players were able to use the plugin and others not. I solved by deleting all data in the data folder.

But since then i get reports of the repairbench skinning not working. You can skin the item in the workbench menu, but it just will not show up ingame.

Not a real big problem, but some people like to use their own bought skins that are not available in the skinmenu plugin.

Can you help?

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Didn't find any problems. The plugin blocks only the change of skins that are in the black list.
Please provide your server connection.

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Here it is:

Did some testing. It seems that if the plugin is unloaded the reapirbench seem to work fine..
Also still get some reports that some ppl can not use the skinmenu properly.

Maybe a fresh install will work?


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I visited your server and tested. Do you have such a problem that in the repairbench a player changes the skin on an item, puts it in his inventory and the skin disappears?

Edited by Monster
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In the config there are default settings for the players. There are settings in the menu itself, each player sets up custom. (and there is a parameter - change skins when they enter the inventory). This means that the player does not have a skin selected (an item without a skin), and this parameter is enabled in the settings, and when the item enters the inventory, the default skin is simply set for it (i.e. there is no skin).

You can remove permission from all players so that this functionality does not work. And when no skin is selected, there will be a little later in the update the ability to disable the removal of skins.
These are not plugin bugs, you just need to configure it.

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