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Pickups/Barrels not giving rewards

Pending 3.1.0


So to keep it short. barrels will only give RP if im say 25 meters or more away and shoot them not if smacked. Also pickups (wood,sulfur,berries,pumpkins etc) are also not giving rp on pickup. looking through the UI and File everything is enabled, and given a value. Is there a range portion of the plugin for RP gain im missing? As far as troubleshooting I have reloaded oxide and all plugins, unloaded all plugins except for rust rewards, restarted the server and reconfigured the file. 

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  • Administrator

There's no range or anything like that but maybe you have a zone multiplier of 0 enabled somewhere?
That could explain not getting rewards in a particular area, but getting them just fine X distance away.

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