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Not working with better npc

Closed 1.0.9 1.1.0

Dead Nasty

Isn't dealing damage to better npc's., or the npc's at raidable bases.  whole list of things it doesn't work with, wondering if their will be a fix sooner than later or possible refund to purchase the chaoscode version that does what i will need it to?

Edited by Dead Nasty
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Hi, I didn't claim support for other plugins, moreover, I have no way to test it. Write the plugins you need compatibility with. Maybe I will add compatibility with some plugins. Thanks for your suggestion

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ok, theirs better npcs, raidable base npcs, enemy bar, true pve, convoy bradley and npc's. The other doesnt claim to be compatible either but seems to work with said things on other servers why I was wondering. Would just like a working version of the plugin for it to kill the npc's on the map. Thank you. 

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it is now working on raidable base npcs, better npc's, convoy bradley and npcs. it is working with death notes now as well too. im not sure about true pve as it is purge on my server atm, but that intergration doesnt bother me cause i can just turn player targeting off. Still doesn't work with the enemy bar (health bar) but thats also not really a big deal. Thanks for your fast update. 

Edited by Dead Nasty
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