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It does seem I've missed a bit doesn't it, but that didn't give you the right to be all sarcastic about it. 

I factor in the seller's experience when I rate plugins. You need to get better.

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Maybe you should come up with a new distribution system, buddy!

It's a common trait that coders lack; Empathy, it's where your shop suffers clearly. Understand not everybody catches that little green line of test as they scroll down to read about the plugin, it should be more prominently positioned in that part. 

Of 6 people I messaged, 4 responded with a similar poor experience after "not reading" that one bit. With that stat I would say it's your advert that's flawed. 

That said - I do appreciate the relatively quick turnaround, but not the attitude that arrived with it.

Edited by Markiii
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I would like to apologize for that.
I think it is clear and visible enough above but I will clarify it again, thanks for the tip.
Please remember it is Christmas time, I am with my family and not all the time online.
But I think our differences are now out of the way. 😊

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