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Gather Mode turns off after short amount of time

Not a Bug 1.0.7

The Large Car Trucker

Hello. I recently bought and added this to my server. I am experiencing after 3 to 4 mins of gather mode being on it just automatically shuts off. Is this a bug or something else interfering?

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Hi, sorry for the delay. For some reason I did not receive any notifications when this support ticket was created.

When gather mode shuts off:

  • Does the UI button still indicate that gather mode is on? (Gather: On)
  • Does anything happen before gather mode turns off? For example, does it turn off only after you die? If you are using the Restore Upon Death plugin, there is a known issue where that plugin will recreate the bag with gather mode disabled when you respawn. A patch has been submitted to that plugin to fix that issue, but its maintainer has been unresponsive.
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Its ok. And no it doesn't indicate that it's still on. Although you will sometimes get the flame icon when something is in the bag when gather is off. We are using this with the backpacks plugin as well and our player base sticks them in their backpacks. And it will just randomly turn off even if they are actively gathering. We've tried outside of the backpack and I've looked at the configuration a few times to see if there's anything I've missed. Also sorry for late reply as I also didn't get any notification that you had replied

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Are you using the Backpacks config option "Only Save Backpacks on Server-Save (true/false)": true? If so, try setting that to false. When that config option is true, it causes Backpacks to basically unload each player's backpack from memory every time the server saves. After a Backpack has been unloaded from memory, when the backpack is opened, the plugin has to recreate the container and items. That affects gather mode because Backpacks doesn't currently remember item flags (which gather mode uses), so it recreates the bags with gather mode disabled. An upcoming update to Backpacks will resolve this compatibility issue.

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