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Despawning on a restart

Closed 2.6.4


Hello I was wondering is there a setting I have missed to stop the already deployed bases to not despawn during a restart of a server? 


Had a problem where my server was due a restart and someone was in the middle of a raid they lost everything and the base was no longer there to carry on raiding.


Thank you in advance 

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heya. bases have always despawned on restart. there is no option for this and i doubt i'll add it anytime soon. it's not as simple as it seems.

some people just want the base to spawns somewhere randomly with some loot and call it good. that's easy. it's when people expect the plugin to control everything even after a restart that it becomes an issue, and I simply do not have an elegant solution for that and will not implement some hacky code for it 😛

but i can't implement one without the other. i'll constantly be hassled about it if i implement one and not the other

Edited by nivex

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