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Closed 2.5.0

hello Nivex.


There is a problem with the NPCs that still hasn't been solved and I would like to finally find a solution to it. The problem is the following: If the player shoots the stone wall, the NPCs run out of it, if they shoot them or lose sight of the player, they simply run to the edge of the sphere and look out from inside it. They practically completely ignore the player, they just stand and look outside. Is there a setting for this that I missed or is this a bug that you have to live with? We are using version 2.5.0, it has been the most stable so far. If this problem is fixed, I will install it in one of the newer versions.



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a video of this would be better. I feel like some information is left out. it is not clear where the players are, and this sounds like an AI bug not a plugin bug. npcs are told to attack every second, so if they're staring off into Narnia then their AI is frozen and there's nothing I can do about that.

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I tested the latest version and increased the aggressive distance of the NPCs, so now I don't notice that they are staring at "Narnia" 🙂



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